Lender FAQs

Below you will find answers to Lender related frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Partner Portal

Q1.  What browser should I use?  A1.  The current version of NHHFA’s portal works with most internet browsers.  Some browsers may experience issues with rendering (displaying buttons, icons, etc.) and completing procedures.

Q2.   Who is expected to use NH Housing's portal? It is mandatory?  A2. The following individuals or businesses must use the portal: 
Lenders and originators who want to maintain and track loans throughout the loan cycle.  Use of NH Housing's portal is mandatory for all Participating Lenders. 

Q3.  Is there a fee for using the NH Housing portal?  A3. There are no fees to use this portal.

Q4.   How do I get access to NHHFA's Lender Portal?  A4.  NH Housing will reach out to individuals and business partners with detailed instructions on how to create an account and how to access a specific portal.

Q5.  What do I do if I don't receive instructions to NH Housing's portal?  A5. Instructions are sent only to account administrators.  Business partners will have up to two Administrators per organization.  Please find out who the Administrator is in your organization and communicate your request to them.  Administrators who have not received instructions should contact NH Housing staff.

Q6.  I forgot my Username.  How do I retrieve it?  A6.  Click on the “Forgot Username” link found under the NHHFA portal page. Enter the email account associated with your account and we will email your username to you.

Q7.  I forgot my password.  How can I reset it?  A7.  Click on the “Forgot my Password” link found under the NH Housing portal page. You will be asked to answer the three security questions you set up during your account creation, then follow the instructions provided.

Q8.  How do I find out more details on using NH Housing's portal?  A8.  Detailed user manuals can be found within each portal.